About Us
Fence Easier, founded by Ray Lyons, is a family owned business, established in the heart of the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Ray and his team have over 50 years of experience building all types of fences in remote mountainous areas to expansive ranches to residential neighborhoods. Fence Easier’s systems were developed to provide land and home owners faster, less labor-intensive, and low maintenance fence installation options.

Our Mission
Fence Easier developed and patented bolt together designs so YOU can build your own fence easily. We provide a solution for saving time, money and labor building property, security, privacy or animal fencing. With our system and instructional videos, the average person will be able to construct high quality, secure and functional fencing of all types.

About The System
Fence Easier is a patented fence system that provides the most user-friendly fence construction and installation process available on the market. Our unique bolt together T-Post fence bracing results in professional quality fencing with quick installation and secure structure.
Our post fence installation system eliminates the need for digging post holes and does not require labor intensive work or renting heavy equipment. The system is designed for all types of fencing including split rail, vinyl and more.
The systems include all fence materials, instructional videos and support.
“Work Smarter, Spend More Time At BBQs!”

The Lyons family foundedHomes From The Heart CO, a nonprofit that builds low-cost, sustainable houses for those who are on the brink of homelessness in Park County, Colorado. We are seeking donations, skills and labor.